Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Bahasa Inggris & Artinya (Lengkap)
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris & artinya (lengkap). Surat lamaran kerja (apply job) terbaru & simpel.
Surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris sering disebut apply job yang fungsinya sebagai perantara untuk melamar sebuah pekerjaan.
Surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris hampir sama dengan Bahasa Indonesia, seperti apa contohnya, ikuti ulasan di bawah ini :
123, George street
Singapore 56745
Dear Mr. Jobs,
I the undersigned, graduated from Nusantara University. I wish to apply for the job of software engineer in your reputable organisation. I am a graduate engineer with a TOEFL score of 600. As mentioned, the job requires application engineers and testing analysts and I am capable of doing both jobs. I have worked on software engineering and software development with Virtual World.
I have acquired experience in Virtual World for 4 years. A part-time certificate course on graphic engineering design from a premier institute has further boosted my knowledge. Apart from that I have also worked for Dallas Instruments as an assistant software engineer. I have attached my resume along with this letter for your consideration with all the details.
Yours sincerely,
Anthony Bells
Dear Mrs. Cassandra,
I am writing this letter to apply for a position as a branch manager that is advertised during a job fair in Lampung Convention Center in August 9, 2019.
I graduated from a reputable state university in Jakarta as a bachelor of economic. I am experienced in the matter as I have worked as sales representative during my time in Jakarta at BioTech for the past three years. My job involved handling the customers in front line as well as building connection with suppliers to maximize sales profit. I am well knowledgeable on the matter and during my time in BioTech, my performance has improved the sales up to 25%.
Your sincerely,
Nanang Pamungkas
Terjemah :
Nanang Pamungkas
Jl. Kenari no, 11
12 Agustus 2019
Ibu Cassandra Sinaga
H.R. Manager
XTech Co.
Jl. Durian no. 5
Kepada Mrs. Cassandra,
Saya menulis surat ini untuk melamar posisi sebagai manajer cabang yang diiklankan selama bursa kerja di Lampung Convention Center pada 9 Agustus 2019.
Saya lulus dari universitas negeri terkemuka di Jakarta sebagai sarjana ekonomi. Saya berpengalaman dalam hal ini karena saya telah bekerja sebagai perwakilan penjualan selama waktu saya di Jakarta di BioTech selama tiga tahun terakhir. Pekerjaan saya adalah menangani pelanggan di garis depan serta membangun koneksi dengan pemasok untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan penjualan. Saya berpengetahuan luas tentang masalah ini dan selama waktu saya di BioTech, kinerja saya telah meningkatkan penjualan hingga 25%.
Saya seorang yang pekerja keras, analitis, berkepala dingin, dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan dalam tim. Saya juga fasih berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan. Saya telah melampirkan CV, rekomendasi, dan informasi lainnya untuk pertimbangan Anda.
Saya bersedia untuk wawancara kapan saja dan dapat dihubungi melalui telepon atau email, seperti disebutkan di atas. Saya mencari peluang untuk wawancara. Terima kasih atas pertimbangan Anda.
Salam hormat,
Nanang Pamungkas
To : dian
Subject : Pharmacist
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response to an announcement recently posted on Dian Sehat Hospital's website about employment opportunities for new pharmacy graduates. As you can see on my resume, I am going to graduate from STIKES Sanus majoring in Pharmacy in January 2020.
During my internship, I had the opportunities to work in several settings, including decoding doctor's prescriptions and dispense the medicines for costumers. My experiences enable me to develop strong skills that prepare me well for the challenges. In addition to my pharmacist skills, I have developed my leadership skills through campus involvement. As the president of the National Student Pharmacists' Association, I held several community service activities, including a forum discussion about medicines. Our organization also created a program that provides first aid training to people in the area.
I am very interested in commencing my pharmacist career at Dian Sehat Hospital and believe that my skills and experience prepare me very well, I can be reached by phone and e-mail.
Thank for nou your consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Intan Permata
Intan Permata
Perum Angin Sejuk Blok G no.12
Resume.pdf (526K)
Certificate jpg (938K)
Identity Card jpg (745K)
Reference.jpg (395K)
Terjemahan :
Kepada : dian
Subjek : Apoteker
Dear Sir / Madam,
Saya menulis sebagai tanggapan atas pengumuman yang baru-baru ini diposting di situs web Rumah Sakit Dian Sehat tentang peluang kerja bagi lulusan farmasi baru. Seperti yang dapat Anda lihat di resume saya, saya akan lulus dari STIKES Sanus jurusan Farmasi pada Januari 2020.
Selama magang saya, saya memiliki kesempatan untuk bekerja di beberapa pengaturan, termasuk menerjemahkan kode resep dokter dan mengeluarkan obat-obatan untuk pelanggan. Pengalaman saya memungkinkan saya untuk mengembangkan keterampilan yang kuat yang mempersiapkan saya dengan baik untuk menghadapi tantangan. Selain keterampilan apoteker saya, saya telah mengembangkan keterampilan kepemimpinan saya melalui keterlibatan kampus. Sebagai presiden dari Asosiasi Apoteker Mahasiswa Nasional, saya mengadakan beberapa kegiatan pelayanan masyarakat, termasuk diskusi forum tentang obat-obatan. Organisasi kami juga menciptakan program yang memberikan pelatihan pertolongan pertama kepada orang-orang di daerah tersebut.
Saya sangat tertarik untuk memulai karir apoteker saya di Rumah Sakit Dian Sehat dan percaya bahwa keterampilan dan pengalaman saya mempersiapkan saya dengan sangat baik, saya dapat dihubungi melalui telepon dan email.
Terima kasih atas pertimbangan Anda.
Salam sejahtera,
Intan Permata
Intan Penmata
Perum Angin Sejuk Blok G no. 12
Resume.pdf (526K)
Sertifikat jpg (938K)
Kartu Identitas jpg (745K)
Reference.jpg (395K)
Sofia Ratnasari
Jl. Cotton Candy no. 9
Jawa Timur
December 4, 2019
Mr. Romi Irwan
Personnel Manager
Cemerlang Jaya
JL. Rindang Indah no. 132
Dear Sir,
I wish to apply for the position of Electrical Engineer as advertised on your company's website. As requested, I enclose my resume and other documents in my attachments.
I graduated from Electrical Engineering of National University in 2017. I have an experience in handling projects with tight schedules, under pressure, and team work. I am proficient in computer and have excellent English, both written and spoken.
I would be able to impart my skills and gain additional knowledge for professional growth with your company. I would appreciate an opportunity to have an interview, I can be reached by phone at 09365260606560. Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Sofia Ratrasari
Terjemahan :
Sofia Ratnasari
Jl. Permen Kapas no. 9
Jawa Timur
4 Desember 2019
Bpk. Romi Irwan
Manajer Personalia
Cemerlang Jaya
JL. Rindang Indah no. 132
Kepada Tuan,
Saya ingin melamar posisi Insinyur Listrik seperti yang diiklankan di situs web perusahaan Anda. Seperti yang diminta, saya lampirkan resume saya dan dokumen lain di lampiran saya.
Saya lulus dari Teknik Elektro Universitas Nasional pada 2017. Saya memiliki pengalaman dalam menangani proyek dengan jadwal yang ketat, di bawah tekanan, dan kerja tim. Saya mahir dalam komputer dan memiliki bahasa Inggris yang sangat baik, baik tertulis maupun lisan. Saya akan dapat memberikan keterampilan saya dan mendapatkan pengetahuan tambahan untuk pertumbuhan profesional dengan perusahaan Anda.
Saya akan sangat menghargai kesempatan untuk memiliki wawancara, saya dapat dihubungi melalui telepon di 09365260606560. Terima kasih.
Hormat saya,
Sofia Ratrasari
PT Charcoal Mining, a national company with the main business of coal mining in South Kalimantan, is seeking for qualified, motivated, experienced, and professional candidates to join and grow with us.
Position: Surveyor (Code: S)
Qualifications :
Terjemahan :
PT Charcoal Mining, sebuah perusahaan nasional dengan bisnis utama penambangan batubara di Kalimantan Selatan, sedang mencari kandidat yang berkualitas, termotivasi, berpengalaman, dan profesional untuk bergabung dan tumbuh bersama kami.
Posisi: Surveyor (Kode: S)
Kualifikasi :
*Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan diundang untuk wawancara.
To :
Subject : Application
To Dear Sir/Madam :
I would like to enquire whether you hahe any vacancies in your company. I enclose my resume for your information.
I graduated from SMK Pemuda Bangsa majoring in Marketing in 2017. I have a work and industrial experience in the workplace and industrial sector which has developed my skills and ability to work in many different environments. I believe that my skills and knowledge will support your team. I can operate a computer and have a charming personality. I would be grateful if you would keep my resume on file for any future possibilities.
Yours faithfully,
Aan Widodo
Aan Widodo
Jl. Pancasila no, 45
Identity Card.jpg
Terjemahan :
Ke :
Subjek : Aplikasi
Kepada Yang Terhormat Sir / Madam:
Saya ingin menanyakan apakah Anda memiliki lowongan di perusahaan Anda. Saya lampirkan resume saya untuk informasi Anda.
Saya lulus dari SMK Pemuda Bangsa jurusan Pemasaran pada tahun 2017. Saya memiliki pengalaman kerja industri di tempat kerja dan sektor industri yang telah mengembangkan keterampilan dan kemampuan saya untuk bekerja di berbagai lingkungan. Saya percaya bahwa keterampilan dan pengetahuan saya akan mendukung tim Anda. Saya dapat mengoperasikan komputer dan memiliki kepribadian yang menawan. Saya akan berterima kasih jika Anda menyimpan resume saya untuk kemungkinan di masa depan.
Salam sejahtera,
Aan Widodo
Aan Widodo
Jl. Pancasila no, 45
Identity Card.jpg
Bekasi, 5 August 2017
Dear. Personnel Manager
Bhakti Husada Hospital
Subject: Job application
I have the following signed :
Through this work letter, I tell you that I am interested to be an employee at Bhakti Husada Hospital in the position of pharmacist. I am a graduate pharmacist of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Prabujaya University in 2016 with Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK) 3.72. I also have experience as a pharmacist in one of the hospitals in South Jakarta.
Here I attach some files that support my qualification to apply in this position:
Instructions cover letter of this work. With my experience of work and expertise, I hope to be able to join in at Bhakti Husada Hospital, Bekasi. For your attention, I thank you.
Andi Firmansyah
To Yth.
Mr. Bambang Sudatmoko
Based on the information I get that the company that led the father is in need of employees, with this, I hope to fill the position and can be a part of the Father company.
I am an alumnus of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Faculty of Economics majoring in management which graduated on April 22, 2015. I am someone who is honest, hardworking, can work in the team, and can speak English actively. With that, then I feel I am able to work at the father's company.
Along with this letter I also included a variety of documents that may be a material consideration for the father, including: Curriculum vitae (CV), transcript, Diploma, photocopy of ID CARD, and photos measuring 4 × 6 as much as 2 pieces.
Great hope I can then join in the company fathers. I will strive to work as closely as possible, resulting in good performance for the Father's company.
The attention of my father thank you.
Your sincerely,
Priska Aprinami
Due to employment opportunities at PT BlaBlaBla, I am interested in applying for an Art Director position.
I am currently 23 years old and not married. I am a Bachelor of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Lampung University with GPA 3.25. I have a job experience as a freelancerdi Creative Agency "Ide box" as a Copywriter in creative division from 11 August 2011 until May 2013. I also set up "click Photography" and worked as a photographer and editor since January 23, 2012 up to now.
As the next consideration I attach the live history list, scan the diploma, scan the transcript, scan Tanda resident card, and the latest photo fitting.
So this cover letter I convey. For your attention as well as the opportunities you give, I thank you.
Muhammad Iqbal
Bandung, March 18
I really hope that there may be opportunities to work in BNI Syariah Bank. I believe my experience, working at PT. HM Sampoerna, TBK in the Sampoerna Sales division, namely PT. Panamas for 4.5 years as Senior Admin, which has handled various JOB Description include handling MIS/PIS (Management Information System/Panamas Information System), Back Office Administration (Reconsiliation Inventory, Sales and Purchase), Program-Pogram Promotion and marketing company, Inventory Warehouse promotion Material, Database Information, and has handled the administration Cost, hopefully can be a material to consider.
I am not married and have a prime health, like the challenge, and willing to work hard, my education during the four-year study of Management at the University of Jenderal Sudirman Purwokerto Strata I with an index of 3.35 achievement (standard 4), has the ability to operate Ms. Office computer (Ms Word and Ms Excel), able to speak English both oral and written at Lower Intermediate level and TOEFL CAPABILITY with the value of 473 To carry out the necessary work.
I really hope you give me the opportunity to do the interview according to the time available.
For the attention and opportunity given to me, I made thanks.
Abdi pramono. Se
As a matter of consideration I attach :
To the Yth
Personnel Section
PT. Bank Muamalat Syariah
Assalmualaikum Wr. Wb.
Let me, Abdul Aziz, age 22 years to apply to join the PROGRAM MUAMALAT OFFICER DEVELOPMENT.
Background of S1 accounting of State University of Semarang with GPA 3.62. Experience as a computer operator in computer rental for almost 4 years made me accustomed to work hard. It is my hope to contribute to this company and to build and progress with Bank Muamalat Syariah.
As a consideration ingredient, my expertise is to master the computer with a wide range of programs such as Microsoft Office packages, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, overcoming Troubleshoot, management and administration.
In addition to the information I attach a personal history and copy of identity. Hopefully this cover letter is actionable, and we expect further information.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Abdul Aziz
Surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris sering disebut apply job yang fungsinya sebagai perantara untuk melamar sebuah pekerjaan.
Surat lamaran pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris hampir sama dengan Bahasa Indonesia, seperti apa contohnya, ikuti ulasan di bawah ini :
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris beserta artinya
Contoh Surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris 1
Mr Sulaiman Jobs123, George street
Singapore 56745
Dear Mr. Jobs,
I the undersigned, graduated from Nusantara University. I wish to apply for the job of software engineer in your reputable organisation. I am a graduate engineer with a TOEFL score of 600. As mentioned, the job requires application engineers and testing analysts and I am capable of doing both jobs. I have worked on software engineering and software development with Virtual World.
I have acquired experience in Virtual World for 4 years. A part-time certificate course on graphic engineering design from a premier institute has further boosted my knowledge. Apart from that I have also worked for Dallas Instruments as an assistant software engineer. I have attached my resume along with this letter for your consideration with all the details.
Yours sincerely,
Anthony Bells
Terjemah :
Bapak Sulaiman Jobs
123, George street
Singapore 56745
Untuk Mr Jobs,
Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, lulus dari Universitas Nusantara. Saya ingin melamar pekerjaan insinyur perangkat lunak di organisasi terkemuka Anda. Saya seorang insinyur lulusan dengan skor TOEFL 600. Seperti yang disebutkan, pekerjaan itu membutuhkan insinyur aplikasi dan analis pengujian dan saya mampu melakukan kedua pekerjaan. Saya telah bekerja pada rekayasa perangkat lunak dan pengembangan perangkat lunak dengan Dunia Virtual.
Saya telah memperoleh pengalaman di Dunia Virtual selama 4 tahun. Kursus sertifikat paruh waktu tentang desain teknik grafis dari lembaga utama telah semakin menambah pengetahuan saya. Selain itu saya juga bekerja untuk Dallas Instruments sebagai asisten insinyur perangkat lunak. Saya telah melampirkan resume saya bersama surat ini untuk pertimbangan Anda dengan semua perinciannya.
Hormat saya,
Anthony Bells
Nanang Pamungkas
Jl. Kenari no, 11
August 12, 2019
Mrs. Cassandra Sinaga
H.R. Manager
XTech Co.
Jl. Durian no. 5
Bapak Sulaiman Jobs
123, George street
Singapore 56745
Untuk Mr Jobs,
Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, lulus dari Universitas Nusantara. Saya ingin melamar pekerjaan insinyur perangkat lunak di organisasi terkemuka Anda. Saya seorang insinyur lulusan dengan skor TOEFL 600. Seperti yang disebutkan, pekerjaan itu membutuhkan insinyur aplikasi dan analis pengujian dan saya mampu melakukan kedua pekerjaan. Saya telah bekerja pada rekayasa perangkat lunak dan pengembangan perangkat lunak dengan Dunia Virtual.
Saya telah memperoleh pengalaman di Dunia Virtual selama 4 tahun. Kursus sertifikat paruh waktu tentang desain teknik grafis dari lembaga utama telah semakin menambah pengetahuan saya. Selain itu saya juga bekerja untuk Dallas Instruments sebagai asisten insinyur perangkat lunak. Saya telah melampirkan resume saya bersama surat ini untuk pertimbangan Anda dengan semua perinciannya.
Hormat saya,
Anthony Bells
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 2
Nanang Pamungkas
Jl. Kenari no, 11
August 12, 2019
Mrs. Cassandra Sinaga
H.R. Manager
XTech Co.
Jl. Durian no. 5
Dear Mrs. Cassandra,
I am writing this letter to apply for a position as a branch manager that is advertised during a job fair in Lampung Convention Center in August 9, 2019.
I graduated from a reputable state university in Jakarta as a bachelor of economic. I am experienced in the matter as I have worked as sales representative during my time in Jakarta at BioTech for the past three years. My job involved handling the customers in front line as well as building connection with suppliers to maximize sales profit. I am well knowledgeable on the matter and during my time in BioTech, my performance has improved the sales up to 25%.
I am hardworking, analytical, level headed, and able to work under pressure and in a team. I am also fluent in both spoken and written English. I have enclosed my CV, recommendations, and other information for your consideration.
I am available for an interview at any tine and n be reached by phone or e-mail, as mentioned aboye. I look feorward to the opportunity of an interview. Thank you for your consideration.
I am available for an interview at any tine and n be reached by phone or e-mail, as mentioned aboye. I look feorward to the opportunity of an interview. Thank you for your consideration.
Your sincerely,
Nanang Pamungkas
Terjemah :
Nanang Pamungkas
Jl. Kenari no, 11
12 Agustus 2019
Ibu Cassandra Sinaga
H.R. Manager
XTech Co.
Jl. Durian no. 5
Kepada Mrs. Cassandra,
Saya menulis surat ini untuk melamar posisi sebagai manajer cabang yang diiklankan selama bursa kerja di Lampung Convention Center pada 9 Agustus 2019.
Saya lulus dari universitas negeri terkemuka di Jakarta sebagai sarjana ekonomi. Saya berpengalaman dalam hal ini karena saya telah bekerja sebagai perwakilan penjualan selama waktu saya di Jakarta di BioTech selama tiga tahun terakhir. Pekerjaan saya adalah menangani pelanggan di garis depan serta membangun koneksi dengan pemasok untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan penjualan. Saya berpengetahuan luas tentang masalah ini dan selama waktu saya di BioTech, kinerja saya telah meningkatkan penjualan hingga 25%.
Saya seorang yang pekerja keras, analitis, berkepala dingin, dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan dalam tim. Saya juga fasih berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan. Saya telah melampirkan CV, rekomendasi, dan informasi lainnya untuk pertimbangan Anda.
Saya bersedia untuk wawancara kapan saja dan dapat dihubungi melalui telepon atau email, seperti disebutkan di atas. Saya mencari peluang untuk wawancara. Terima kasih atas pertimbangan Anda.
Salam hormat,
Nanang Pamungkas
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 3
To : dian
Subject : Pharmacist
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response to an announcement recently posted on Dian Sehat Hospital's website about employment opportunities for new pharmacy graduates. As you can see on my resume, I am going to graduate from STIKES Sanus majoring in Pharmacy in January 2020.
During my internship, I had the opportunities to work in several settings, including decoding doctor's prescriptions and dispense the medicines for costumers. My experiences enable me to develop strong skills that prepare me well for the challenges. In addition to my pharmacist skills, I have developed my leadership skills through campus involvement. As the president of the National Student Pharmacists' Association, I held several community service activities, including a forum discussion about medicines. Our organization also created a program that provides first aid training to people in the area.
I am very interested in commencing my pharmacist career at Dian Sehat Hospital and believe that my skills and experience prepare me very well, I can be reached by phone and e-mail.
Thank for nou your consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Intan Permata
Intan Permata
Perum Angin Sejuk Blok G no.12
Resume.pdf (526K)
Certificate jpg (938K)
Identity Card jpg (745K)
Reference.jpg (395K)
Terjemahan :
Kepada : dian
Subjek : Apoteker
Dear Sir / Madam,
Saya menulis sebagai tanggapan atas pengumuman yang baru-baru ini diposting di situs web Rumah Sakit Dian Sehat tentang peluang kerja bagi lulusan farmasi baru. Seperti yang dapat Anda lihat di resume saya, saya akan lulus dari STIKES Sanus jurusan Farmasi pada Januari 2020.
Selama magang saya, saya memiliki kesempatan untuk bekerja di beberapa pengaturan, termasuk menerjemahkan kode resep dokter dan mengeluarkan obat-obatan untuk pelanggan. Pengalaman saya memungkinkan saya untuk mengembangkan keterampilan yang kuat yang mempersiapkan saya dengan baik untuk menghadapi tantangan. Selain keterampilan apoteker saya, saya telah mengembangkan keterampilan kepemimpinan saya melalui keterlibatan kampus. Sebagai presiden dari Asosiasi Apoteker Mahasiswa Nasional, saya mengadakan beberapa kegiatan pelayanan masyarakat, termasuk diskusi forum tentang obat-obatan. Organisasi kami juga menciptakan program yang memberikan pelatihan pertolongan pertama kepada orang-orang di daerah tersebut.
Saya sangat tertarik untuk memulai karir apoteker saya di Rumah Sakit Dian Sehat dan percaya bahwa keterampilan dan pengalaman saya mempersiapkan saya dengan sangat baik, saya dapat dihubungi melalui telepon dan email.
Terima kasih atas pertimbangan Anda.
Salam sejahtera,
Intan Permata
Intan Penmata
Perum Angin Sejuk Blok G no. 12
Resume.pdf (526K)
Sertifikat jpg (938K)
Kartu Identitas jpg (745K)
Reference.jpg (395K)
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 4
Sofia Ratnasari
Jl. Cotton Candy no. 9
Jawa Timur
December 4, 2019
Mr. Romi Irwan
Personnel Manager
Cemerlang Jaya
JL. Rindang Indah no. 132
Dear Sir,
I wish to apply for the position of Electrical Engineer as advertised on your company's website. As requested, I enclose my resume and other documents in my attachments.
I graduated from Electrical Engineering of National University in 2017. I have an experience in handling projects with tight schedules, under pressure, and team work. I am proficient in computer and have excellent English, both written and spoken.
I would be able to impart my skills and gain additional knowledge for professional growth with your company. I would appreciate an opportunity to have an interview, I can be reached by phone at 09365260606560. Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Sofia Ratrasari
Terjemahan :
Sofia Ratnasari
Jl. Permen Kapas no. 9
Jawa Timur
4 Desember 2019
Bpk. Romi Irwan
Manajer Personalia
Cemerlang Jaya
JL. Rindang Indah no. 132
Kepada Tuan,
Saya ingin melamar posisi Insinyur Listrik seperti yang diiklankan di situs web perusahaan Anda. Seperti yang diminta, saya lampirkan resume saya dan dokumen lain di lampiran saya.
Saya lulus dari Teknik Elektro Universitas Nasional pada 2017. Saya memiliki pengalaman dalam menangani proyek dengan jadwal yang ketat, di bawah tekanan, dan kerja tim. Saya mahir dalam komputer dan memiliki bahasa Inggris yang sangat baik, baik tertulis maupun lisan. Saya akan dapat memberikan keterampilan saya dan mendapatkan pengetahuan tambahan untuk pertumbuhan profesional dengan perusahaan Anda.
Saya akan sangat menghargai kesempatan untuk memiliki wawancara, saya dapat dihubungi melalui telepon di 09365260606560. Terima kasih.
Hormat saya,
Sofia Ratrasari
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 5
PT Charcoal Mining, a national company with the main business of coal mining in South Kalimantan, is seeking for qualified, motivated, experienced, and professional candidates to join and grow with us.
Position: Surveyor (Code: S)
Qualifications :
- Minimum SMA/SMK any major.
- Fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
- Proficient in computer, especially AutoCAD program.
- Can work in a team and have high responsibility and high discipline.
- Fluent in English, both verbal and written.
- Good communication skills.
- Charming personality and good interpersonal skills.
Send your resume by November 23, 2019 to PT Charcoal Mining, JI. Berabu no. 56, South Kalimantan or hrd
*Only qualified candidates will be invited for the interview.
Terjemahan :
PT Charcoal Mining, sebuah perusahaan nasional dengan bisnis utama penambangan batubara di Kalimantan Selatan, sedang mencari kandidat yang berkualitas, termotivasi, berpengalaman, dan profesional untuk bergabung dan tumbuh bersama kami.
Posisi: Surveyor (Kode: S)
Kualifikasi :
- Minimum SMA / SMK jurusan apa saja.
- Lulusan baru dipersilakan untuk mendaftar.
- Mahir dalam komputer, terutama program AutoCAD.
- Dapat bekerja dalam tim dan memiliki tanggung jawab dan disiplin yang tinggi.
- Lancar berbahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun tulisan.
- Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
- Kepribadian yang menawan dan keterampilan interpersonal yang baik.
Kirimkan resume Anda pada tanggal 23 November 2019 ke PT Charcoal Mining, JI. Berabu no. 56, Kalimantan Selatan atau hrd
*Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan diundang untuk wawancara.
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 6
To :
Subject : Application
To Dear Sir/Madam :
I would like to enquire whether you hahe any vacancies in your company. I enclose my resume for your information.
I graduated from SMK Pemuda Bangsa majoring in Marketing in 2017. I have a work and industrial experience in the workplace and industrial sector which has developed my skills and ability to work in many different environments. I believe that my skills and knowledge will support your team. I can operate a computer and have a charming personality. I would be grateful if you would keep my resume on file for any future possibilities.
Yours faithfully,
Aan Widodo
Aan Widodo
Jl. Pancasila no, 45
Identity Card.jpg
Terjemahan :
Ke :
Subjek : Aplikasi
Kepada Yang Terhormat Sir / Madam:
Saya ingin menanyakan apakah Anda memiliki lowongan di perusahaan Anda. Saya lampirkan resume saya untuk informasi Anda.
Saya lulus dari SMK Pemuda Bangsa jurusan Pemasaran pada tahun 2017. Saya memiliki pengalaman kerja industri di tempat kerja dan sektor industri yang telah mengembangkan keterampilan dan kemampuan saya untuk bekerja di berbagai lingkungan. Saya percaya bahwa keterampilan dan pengetahuan saya akan mendukung tim Anda. Saya dapat mengoperasikan komputer dan memiliki kepribadian yang menawan. Saya akan berterima kasih jika Anda menyimpan resume saya untuk kemungkinan di masa depan.
Salam sejahtera,
Aan Widodo
Aan Widodo
Jl. Pancasila no, 45
Identity Card.jpg
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 7
Dear. Personnel Manager
Bhakti Husada Hospital
Subject: Job application
I have the following signed :
- Name : Andi Firmansyah
- Place, date of birth : Bekasi, 20 January 1993
- Last education : S1 Faculty of Pharmacy, Prabujaya University
- No. Hp: 081234578923
Through this work letter, I tell you that I am interested to be an employee at Bhakti Husada Hospital in the position of pharmacist. I am a graduate pharmacist of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Prabujaya University in 2016 with Cumulative Achievement Index (IPK) 3.72. I also have experience as a pharmacist in one of the hospitals in South Jakarta.
Here I attach some files that support my qualification to apply in this position:
- Copy of Resident ID card (KTP)
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Copy of Lecture Diploma
- Copy of of academic transcripts
- Copy of RS work experience certificate. Kruing
- 4 × 6 photo Pas
- Certificate of Achievement and training
Instructions cover letter of this work. With my experience of work and expertise, I hope to be able to join in at Bhakti Husada Hospital, Bekasi. For your attention, I thank you.
Andi Firmansyah
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 8
To Yth.
Mr. Bambang Sudatmoko
Based on the information I get that the company that led the father is in need of employees, with this, I hope to fill the position and can be a part of the Father company.
I am an alumnus of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta Faculty of Economics majoring in management which graduated on April 22, 2015. I am someone who is honest, hardworking, can work in the team, and can speak English actively. With that, then I feel I am able to work at the father's company.
Along with this letter I also included a variety of documents that may be a material consideration for the father, including: Curriculum vitae (CV), transcript, Diploma, photocopy of ID CARD, and photos measuring 4 × 6 as much as 2 pieces.
Great hope I can then join in the company fathers. I will strive to work as closely as possible, resulting in good performance for the Father's company.
The attention of my father thank you.
Your sincerely,
Priska Aprinami
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 9
Due to employment opportunities at PT BlaBlaBla, I am interested in applying for an Art Director position.
I am currently 23 years old and not married. I am a Bachelor of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Lampung University with GPA 3.25. I have a job experience as a freelancerdi Creative Agency "Ide box" as a Copywriter in creative division from 11 August 2011 until May 2013. I also set up "click Photography" and worked as a photographer and editor since January 23, 2012 up to now.
As the next consideration I attach the live history list, scan the diploma, scan the transcript, scan Tanda resident card, and the latest photo fitting.
So this cover letter I convey. For your attention as well as the opportunities you give, I thank you.
Muhammad Iqbal
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 10
Bandung, March 18
I really hope that there may be opportunities to work in BNI Syariah Bank. I believe my experience, working at PT. HM Sampoerna, TBK in the Sampoerna Sales division, namely PT. Panamas for 4.5 years as Senior Admin, which has handled various JOB Description include handling MIS/PIS (Management Information System/Panamas Information System), Back Office Administration (Reconsiliation Inventory, Sales and Purchase), Program-Pogram Promotion and marketing company, Inventory Warehouse promotion Material, Database Information, and has handled the administration Cost, hopefully can be a material to consider.
I am not married and have a prime health, like the challenge, and willing to work hard, my education during the four-year study of Management at the University of Jenderal Sudirman Purwokerto Strata I with an index of 3.35 achievement (standard 4), has the ability to operate Ms. Office computer (Ms Word and Ms Excel), able to speak English both oral and written at Lower Intermediate level and TOEFL CAPABILITY with the value of 473 To carry out the necessary work.
I really hope you give me the opportunity to do the interview according to the time available.
For the attention and opportunity given to me, I made thanks.
Abdi pramono. Se
As a matter of consideration I attach :
- Photo Pas size 4 X 6 as much as 1 sheet
- Photocopy of last Diploma of S1
- Photocopy of KTP
- Photocopy of academic Transcript
- Live History list (CV)
- Photocopy of English Certificate
- Copy of Computer certificate
- Photocopy of banking and import export certificate
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 11
Semarang, April 20To the Yth
Personnel Section
PT. Bank Muamalat Syariah
Assalmualaikum Wr. Wb.
Let me, Abdul Aziz, age 22 years to apply to join the PROGRAM MUAMALAT OFFICER DEVELOPMENT.
Background of S1 accounting of State University of Semarang with GPA 3.62. Experience as a computer operator in computer rental for almost 4 years made me accustomed to work hard. It is my hope to contribute to this company and to build and progress with Bank Muamalat Syariah.
As a consideration ingredient, my expertise is to master the computer with a wide range of programs such as Microsoft Office packages, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, overcoming Troubleshoot, management and administration.
In addition to the information I attach a personal history and copy of identity. Hopefully this cover letter is actionable, and we expect further information.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Abdul Aziz
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 12
Mr. Bambang Santosa
Based on the information I can that the father is in need of employees, therefore I hope to fill the position and can be part of the company's father.
I am an alumnus of Christian University of Duta Wacana Yogyakarta Faculty of Economics majoring in management which graduated on April 22, 2006. I am an honest person, willing to learn and want to work hard, can work in a team, and can speak English active, therefore I feel I was able to work in the Father's company.
Along with this letter I include a variety of documents that may be a material consideration for the father, including: Curriculum vitae (CV), transcript, Diploma, photocopy of ID card, and photo measuring 4 × 6 as much as 2 pieces.
Great hope to be able to join in the company fathers. I will strive to work as closely as possible and produce good performance for the Father company.
The attention of my father thank you.
Your sincerely,
John dhan
Surabaya, September 19
HRD Manager
PT. Maju Jaya
I introduce Muhammad Indra, S1 graduate of Food technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Gajah Mada University. My cumulative Achievement index is 3.62.
Work experience ever done, I have been an intern at PT Maju Jaya in production. I have some skills, including food technology, microbiology analysts, food processing, and so forth.
As for the training that I have been following, including the Halal and K3 management system. Based on qualifications and experience, I am interested in applying for a job at PT Indah Sanjaya in the position of Research and Development. I am sure my experience and expertise suits your company.
Thank you for your attention, great hope to get a reply from you.
Muhammad Indra
Itulah beberapa contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris, semoga ulasan di atas dapat bermanfaat. Sekian dan terima kasih.
Contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris 13
HRD Manager
PT. Maju Jaya
I introduce Muhammad Indra, S1 graduate of Food technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Gajah Mada University. My cumulative Achievement index is 3.62.
Work experience ever done, I have been an intern at PT Maju Jaya in production. I have some skills, including food technology, microbiology analysts, food processing, and so forth.
As for the training that I have been following, including the Halal and K3 management system. Based on qualifications and experience, I am interested in applying for a job at PT Indah Sanjaya in the position of Research and Development. I am sure my experience and expertise suits your company.
Thank you for your attention, great hope to get a reply from you.
Muhammad Indra
Itulah beberapa contoh surat lamaran pekerjaan bahasa inggris, semoga ulasan di atas dapat bermanfaat. Sekian dan terima kasih.
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